Fun Activities

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     Putting on races was hard work for club members, so play times were also necessary. Camping, holiday parties, pig roasts, poker runs, spring fling productions, dances, and field events were all popular activities throughout the 1970s and ‘80s. Members traveled to Colorado to ride their enduro bikes in the mountains, attended half-mile races in Peoria, Illinois, and held their first District 22 Road Tour in 1977. The Road Tour brought riders from throughout the Midwest to the clubgrounds for a variety of activities. Observation rides and field events were the most popular attractions. Observation rides were similar to poker runs. Instead of picking up cards at each stop, riders answered a question about something in the town. For example, "what is the date on the school in Littleton?" Basically, it was an excuse to ride and enjoy the scenery. Field events were games played involving the motorcycle, the rider, and sometimes a passenger. Speed was not usually a determining factor, as skill was more important. Riders tried to throw water balloons to a partner holding a net fifteen feet away. Passengers tried to throw a basketball through a hoop while riding under it or some passengers attempted to hang clothes on a clothesline while riding along it. They were fun to participate in, and sometimes even more fun to watch!

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