Fred Maytag died at the age of 79 on March 25, 1937, in Beverly Hills, California.
"Noted for his many gifts to Midwestern colleges and charitable institutions, Fred Maytag in his will left the Y.M.C.A. of Newton a gift of $250,000.2 The Maytag estate was valued at nearly $7 million. Nearly 200 people were remembered in the will, usually receiving $1,000, but some received $25,000. Plant workers with three years or more of seniority received $1 ,000 each."2
Fred Maytag is recognized as one of the greatest business icons in Iowa history, but his short term venture in the automotive industry is not well known. This investment scarred his reputation, but over time Fred Maytag and his washing machine company built a reputation, which today still stands for quality and dependability.
The Maytag Automobile Factory of Waterloo, Iowa
Written By Brent P. Thoren Fall 1998
Edited By Andy Grove Spring 1999