
Home Dream Dome Pres. Maucker Pres. Kamerich Fund-Drive Construction Deflation First Events New Roof Controversy Part 1 Controversy Part 2 Event Highlights Conclusion Notes and Sources

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    In a December 5th meeting, the UNI Foundation Director proposed a resolution for the building of the auditoriums. The resolution stated, "Be it resolved that the University of Northern Iowa Foundation undertake a ten million dollar fund raising campaign over a ten-year period to construct a covered multi-purposed coliseum, to build an auditorium-union facility, and to develop certain other facilities and academic programs. And be it further resolved that approval of the State Board of Regents be requested."11 This meeting also addresses the concerns of the students and the Foundation named T. Wayne Davis campaign chairman of the funding drive.

    Ten days after the resolution meeting, the President went in front of the Iowa State Board of Regents and told them about the resolution. He named the resolution the "centennial fund drive." The goal of this drive was to raise ten million dollars in ten years to build the proposed buildings. The Board of Regents approved the capital fund drive, but they didn’t approve the building of the projects yet.

    On January 24, 1973, T. Wayne Davis was finally announced to the public as the chairman of the "National Fund Drive."15 Mr. Davis was the president of a local Waterloo Company, Latta Inc. The UNI-Dome was to be funded by private donations and student fees. The first goal of the Foundation Drive was to collect 4.5 million dollars. Once the university got their goal of 4.5 million dollars, they planned to start construction of the domed stadium. The plan was to raise enough money so they could get construction going and have the UNI-Dome built and dedicated during the university's centennial year of 1976.

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