A Little Background...
Most of the buildings on Main Street were built between the 1850s and World War I. This era was marked by the machine age in the United States. This age also marked the expansion of the railroads and steamship lines, allowing people to travel as they never had before. Designs were brought home by tourists of Europe or Europeans who immigrated to the United States. Patterns were duplicated from Italy, Egypt, England, and France.
In the 19th century, East Coast architectural developments often took a decade to reach the Midwest. When they did reach Cedar Falls, local carpenters and contractors adopted and adapted the new styles or features as they desired, mostly using brick from the brick works in town and limestone from the Cedar River Valley. The result is a mixture of styles and details in each building. Some are authentic recreations of one particular style, but many are architectural mutts. The dominant stylistic influences are Italianate, Federal, Classic, Gothic, Neoclassical, and Beaux Arts. As you view this site, you will see just how these styles evolve from their core design and blend into the structures that are found on Main Street today.