Land Aquisition

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    On April 2, 1908, fifty citizens attended a meeting at city hall in Cedar Falls to propose the selling of one hundred twenty-two acres of land by Charles Rownd and his brother to the town of Cedar Heights. The land north of Waterloo road would be sold for $34,600.00. Also included in the sale would be lots east of the Rapid Transit track for $350.00 each, leaving ninety-six acres for a park. On May 7,1908, the Rownd brothers sold the park to Edwards, Galloway, and a Mr. Lyte, all of Waterloo. These one hundred four acres east of Cedar Falls were sold for $275.00 per acre. The three investors purchased seventy additional acres east of the new Cedar Heights area on May 21. This provided enough land for Bluffs Park, now named Lookout Park, a school, and a residential area. Beautiful lots at low cost and low taxes were sold in September 1908, with the Edwards home at 2309 Grand Boulevard being the first built in this new town.

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