
Home IBP Introduction Sewer Debate Illegal Workers Minority Workers Bosnian Workers Union Relations Union Contract Preliminary Results Notes Sources

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Waterloo Courier. 11 February 1988-29 October 1998.

The Des Moines Resister. 30 July 1996-12 April 1998.

The Telegraph Herald. 29 August 1996.

The Cedar Rapids Gazette. 21 October 1997.

"IBP Abandons Manchester as Plant Site," on Lexis-Nexis [database on-line] (Cedar Falls, Ia.:         Rod Library, 1988, accessed October 1998).

"IBP President Defends Nation’s Largest Meatpacker," on Lexis-Nexis [database on-line] (Cedar         Falls, Ia.: Rod Library, 1988, accessed October 1998).

"Waterloo Selected as IBP Plant Site," on Lexis-Nexis [database on-line] (Cedar Falls, Ia.: Rod         Library, 1988, accessed October 1998).

Meat & Poultry. July 1988, cited in UFCW Contract Directory System in UFCW Group Chain         Meeting October 27-29, 1998.

Grey, Mark. "What Goes Around Comes Around, Iowa’s New Immigrant Work Force," lecture         given on 11 November 1988, 115 Seerley Hall, UNI, Cedar Falls.

Kallenburger, Bob. Interview by author, Waterloo, Ia., 18 November 1999.

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