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1 "IBP President Defends Nation’s Largest Meatpacker," on Lexis-Nexis [database on-line] (Cedar Falls, Ia.: Rod Library, 1988, accessed October 1998).

2 David Ransom, "Land Rezoned for Possible IBP Use," The Waterloo Courier, 11 February 1988, A1.

3 Tim Jamison, "Judge Sides with Waterloo in Sewer Suit Against IBP," The Waterloo Courier, 7 August 1988, page unknown, accessed via The Waterloo Courier Online Archives.

4 Ibid.

5 Ibid.

6 Tim Jamison, "IBP, Waterloo Reach $6.1 Million in Sewer Rate Battle," The Waterloo Courier,         29 October 1998, page unknown, accessed via The Waterloo Courier Online Archives.

7 Ibid.

8 Allison Thompson & Christine Willmsen, "26 at IBP Taken Into Custody," The Waterloo             Courier, 30 July 1996, A1.

9 Ibid.

10 "INS Officials Arrest 26 at IBP Pork Plant," The Des Moines Register, 30 July 1996, Metro         Iowa, p4.

11 "Illegal Workers Cause Controversy," The Telegraph Herald, 29 August 1996, Iowa, B6.

12 Ibid.

13 Ibid.

14 Ibid.

15 Christine Willmsen, "Federal Economic Impact of Meatpacking Plants Being Criticized," The Waterloo Courier, 18 May 1998, page unknown, accessed via The Waterloo Courier Online Archives.

16 Ibid.

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