Creation of Band

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    Although the current Cedar Falls Band originated in 1891, there were several earlier bands. In 1857 Henry C. Overman organized the Cedar Falls Brass Band. This ensemble played at special occasions, including the local fair in 1857, the Independence Day celebration and a Republican rally supporting Abraham Lincoln's nomination for President in 1860, the arrival of the first train in Cedar Falls in 1861, and a Republican rally in 1864.

    According to longtime community resident Stella Robinson Wynegar, the Mills family of Cedar Falls also organized a band and gave concerts. Mrs. Wynegar believed that it was the Mills Family Band that eventually became the Cedar Falls Band. Regardless of its origins, until late in the nineteenth century the town's band was very loosely organized and only assembled for special events, such as the Fourth of July, Decoration Day, and other civic observances. In 1890 the Maccabee Lodge made a serious effort to organize a community band. Unfortunately, the job was more than the lodge alone could handle but its efforts probably stimulated interest in the endeavor. The present Cedar Falls Municipal Band began to take shape when George Hughes became the first Chairman of its Board of Directors. Although Hughes could not read music or play an instrument, he is known as the father of the band. As the Chairman of the Board for forty years, Hughes's job was to raise money and promote the band.

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