Nineteenth Century Mortuary Architectural Styles |
Introduction The first thing one sees when walking through Greenwood Cemetery is the vast array of different headstones. Many are similar, others completely different; some are modest gothic type flatstones, others are extravagant obelisks, bordering on the Baroque with their flowery detailing. These stones are examples of nineteenth century architectural design and, as such, they reflect the tastes of their time. The nineteenth century was a vibrant time to be alive in America, and in
Cedar Falls. The country and the city were growing. New ideas forged in this new world
mingled with those brought from the old. No better example of this can be found than the
architecture of the period. In England the century became know as the Victorian age, a
label not only of a ruler, but a way of thinking as well. Victorian sensibilities merged
with Romantic tendencies and thrust revivals of Gothic, Classical, and Egyptian
architectural styles into the mainstream. Both found their way into cemeteries of the
period, both in Europe, and here at home. Greenwood Cemetery, too, shows the architectural
mark of the nineteenth century. Perhaps the most recognizable stones in Greenwood Cemetery are the Egyptian Revival or
neo-Egyptian stones, principally the sometimes massive obelisks seen throughout. Egyptian
Revival saw its heyday in the United States in the first half of the nineteenth century
from 1808 to about 1858, although headstone examples can be seen dating from later than
this.[1] Egyptian revival grew out of the Romantic movement and can be seen throughout
Europe. It also became popular in the United States, where many examples survive in
buildings, most notably the Washington Monument. Cemeteries throughout the country are
adorned with Egyptian architecture, ranging from the massive Egyptian arch spanning the
entrance of the Grove Street |
In Greenwood Cemetery stand several examples of Egyptian Revival
Architecture. The most significant is the tall obelisk over the family plot of the Merner
family.[4] It should be noted that this stone was erected in the twentieth century, but it
can clearly be traced back to the style of the nineteenth century. Close to the
Merner monument are two smaller obelisks, the Winslow and Mullarky
monuments.[5] Other stones bear definite Egyptian influences, especially an
obelesque design. These include the Philpot, McKee, Larson, and Chapman stones, all found
in the Original Section.[6] The Philpot and Chapman stones have draped obelisks with a
design at the top that resembles a gothic ogee. They are also highly detailed, bordering
on the Baroque. The Larson monument shows a definite pedestal design at the base, and
gothic ogee near the top of the stone. |
Another recognizable style frequently found in Greenwood is Victorian Gothic Revival.
The most easily recognized element of Gothic architecture is the flying buttress, seen on
many Medieval European Cathedrals. The Gothic also uses varying forms of pointed arches as
well as circles, and ornamentation such as the Ball Flower and Ogee, commonly seen in
ornate Gothic stained glass window tracery. The Romantic movement of the nineteenth
century brought with it not only a revival of the Egyptian style of architecture, but also of the Gothic. Both styles are imposing, and both played important parts in
architecture inspired by the Romantic movement. There are many fine examples throughout the
United States of Victorian Gothic mortuary architecture. Some examples include the
breathtaking entrance to Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York, and many mausoleums
within, including the Niblo mausoleum. |
In Cedar Falls' Greenwood Cemetery, Gothic architecture may not be as impressive as examples in Brooklyn, but it is just as prevalent if you know what to look for. Many stones have Gothic shaped pointed arches, and many of these have Ogee or Ball Flower designs at the top. A good example is the Elias Overman stone in the Original Section.[7] It clearly displays a Gothic style arch ringing three quarters of the monument. A beautiful example of Gothic architecture is the Charles Pulker monument.[8] This monument combines Gothic arch inlays with Victorian trim, and a ball flower design at the top. Because it is made of metal, it has survived in better shape than many made in stone. Another impressive example of Victorian Gothic architecture is the metal Plummer monument.[9] This monument is crowned with a female figure leaning on a upright cross, while its sides are adorned with Gothic inlays. A fourth example of Gothic design is the Zacheus McNally monument.[10] This monument arches into what can only be described as the spire of a Gothic cathedral with an urn poised at the summit. A large number of monuments in the cemetery have a more basic Gothic design consisting of a short, square, upright pillar topped with a Gothic arch on all four sides. |
The third major architectural style seen in
Greenwood Cemetery is the Classical Revival, or neo-Classical style. This style was very popular in the United States from the nation's inception. Classical architecture
draws on the Golden age of Athens and the Roman Republic, the ancient ancestors of
the American Republic. Washington, D.C. is a treasure trove of neo-Classical There are other lesser known styles represented in the cemetery. A prime example of this is the Thomas Pryor stone, which looks like, at first glance, a cross made out of a fresh cut tree, because of the deep grooves worn in the stone that look like bark.[14] Closer examination shows that it is done in the Rustic Style. This style was popular in the mid-nineteenth century, and was created by treating the surface of the stone.[15] Many such examples can be seen throughout the Midwest, including the monument to J. Sterling Morton, father of Arbor Day, in Wyuka Cemetery in Nebraska City.[16] |
Conclusion The nineteenth century cemetery was a diverse place. Developing from European models,
the first American lawn and park cemeteries appeared in Brooklyn and Boston early in the
century. These cemeteries emphasized a "natural" look with winding pathways,
scrub, trees, and lakes. Architectural styling made the monuments in these cemeteries as
pleasing to the eye as the landscape. Nineteenth century Americans saw different types of
architecture appropriate for different uses. Egyptian architecture was seen as most
appropriate for cemeteries, Gothic for churches, and Classical for government buildings.
However, Greenwood Cemetery demonstrates that there was considerable cross over beyond
these generalizations. The nineteenth century was a time when independent craftsmen could
sculpt individualized monuments for a living, creating great diversity not only in
combining styles but within styles. Greenwood Cemetery reflects the period well. Its
landscape incredibly diverse, ranging from nineteenth century monuments placed
within the winding pathways of the Original Section to modern flat markers flanked by
straight lanes in the lawns beyond. 1. Carrot, Richard G, The Egyptian Revival (Berkley: University of California Press, 1978), 2. 2. Carrot, 17. 3. Brown, John G, Soul in the Stone: Cemetery Art from America's
Heartland (Lawrence: 4. Merner monument: Lot 88, 1st Add. 5. Winslow monument: 1885, Original Section, Block B, lot 217. 6. Philpot monument: 1877, Original Section, Block G. 7. Elias Overman: 1854, Original Section, Block C. 8. Charles Pulker: 1864, Original Section, Block C. 9. Plummer monument: 1910, First Addition. 10. McNally monument: Second Addition, Block 4, Lot 11. 11. Dr. J.W. Young: 1927, Original Section, Block G. 12. Sylvester Packard: 1888, Original Section, Block F. 13. Baptismal Fountain: Original Section, Block G. 14. Thomas Pryor: No Date, Original Section, Block K. 15. Willsher, Betty, Understanding Scottish Graveyards (Edinburgh: Canongate
Books, 1995), 16. Brown, 71.
Bibliography Brown, John G. Soul in the Stone: Cemetery Art from America's
Lawrence: Carrott, Richard G. The Egyptian Revival. Berkley: University of California Press, 1978. Gillon, Edmund V. Jr. Victorian Cemetery Art. New York: Dover Publications, 1972. Northeast Iowa Genealogical Society. Greenwood Cemetery Index. Des Moines: