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    When the government took over the lines of the WCF&N, they were not managed well and fell into disrepair. Ownership was given back to the WCF&N after the war. Things ran rather smoothly for the next several years and the line prospered. Then the push for motorized transportation began to grow, and, in 1924, the WCF&N bought motor buses to supplement their service. In 1936, streetcar lines were replaced all together in Waterloo and, in 1941, the same was done in Cedar Falls. The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Transit Company then purchased the bus lines in 1953. Two years later the WCF&N was bought by the Illinois Central and the Rock Island Railroads; it was renamed the Waterloo and Cedar Falls Railroad. When the last trolley made its final run in 1958, it marked the end of streetcar operation in the state of Iowa.

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Last trolley

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