1990 Renovations

Home Seerley Hall Early History Great Reading Rm 1965 Renovation 1990 Renovations After Renovations Notes Sources

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        Since 1965, when the new library was built, the Business Department was the sole occupant of Seerley Hall.   However, in 1990, the new business building was complete. This created a vacancy in Seerley Hall and the school took advantage to propose extensive renovations. The Board of Regents and the Iowa State Legislature approved a bond to restore the great building.

    There were some basic priorities the administration had for the renovation. First was the restoration of the Reading Room, that had been divided up in 1965, to its original state. The murals were to be returned to their respective places in the Reading Room. Other concerns were for the preservation of the original woodwork and marble. After considering all of these issues, the process of determining which department would occupy Seerley Hall was begun. It was then decided by the administration that whichever department was going to occupy Seerley would be given the chance to work with the architects on the setup of the building.

    History Department head John Johnson informed University President Curris, after meeting in his office, that his faculty would accept a proposed move from Sabin to Seerley and would like to be involved in the renovation plans.  Indeed, the department's role in the planning was unprecedented. They were in on decisions from the layout to the furniture. In late June, it was made public that the History department would take over Seerley Hall following renovations. It was determined that History was an appropriately sized department for the space available in Seerley. The offices for the Graduate College and Public Policy program were added as well.

    The History department requested a one hundred-twenty seat lecture room. Ideally, they wanted two rooms of this size, but space was not available. Some department members wanted a few smaller seminar rooms. All of the professors were concerned with office space and wanted offices that measured up to those of the recently renovated Latham Hall and the new business building. The faculty wanted "floor to ceiling shelving" in their offices. The faculty helped tailor plans of the departmental office, lounge, a History Memorial Seminar Room, and an office for the graduate assistants.

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