
Home Introduction Campaniles in History The Project Fasoldt Clock Carillon Renovations Campaniling Conclusion Notes Sources

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     Another main factor in the construction of the campanile was the inclusion of the fifteen chime bells, which both chime the hour and can be played as a musical instrument. This 15-bell carillon was purchased from Meneely and Company of Watervliet, New York, who designed and cast the bells. These bells were installed immediately after the construction of the outer structure, and were played in a dedication recital by Andrew Meneely, owner of the company that cast the bells, on September 19, 1926, nearly four months after the dedication of the campanile took place. Each bell was inscribed with a dedication, commemorating it to various groups and individuals that had led to the success of the campanile project and the Iowa State Teachers College, in general. The four most important bells, however, were those that chimed when the clock struck the hour and played the Westminster chime chords. The lowest of these four, the 5,000-pound "C" bell, was dedicated to the President, and was the largest of the fifteen bells installed. The other three, the "F," "C," and "A" bells, were dedicated to "School Children of Iowa," "The Faculty," and "Students and Alumni," respectively. The fact that these bells chime every hour gave these four dedications extreme significance and emphasized their importance to the Iowa State Teachers College and the campanile project.

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